
My Miscarriage Story

Birth stories!
You see them all over blogs and Pinterest and they are so sweet and such a special way to remember those details of the most precious times in your life.
You know what's not on blogs though? Miscarriage stories. I know, because I searched for them...Real stories of what happens, what's to follow and what no one wants to talk to about. I can remember that weekend in the hospital and at home, searching the internet vigorously for answers, for similarity, for other women's stories that could help me understand what was happening and what was to come. What I found was very little, and so 1 year later I've decided to share the details. Not for sympathy, but because sometimes it's necessary. Necessary for your own sanity and necessary to face the fear and anxiety and to be that thing or the words that that woman is currently searching for. The details may not be pretty and they may not be for everyone but it's real. For instance, did you know that Miscarriages in a hospital are actually referred to as "spontaneous abortions". And that it will be listed as just that on every form you fill out and every bill you get sent. I didn't...and every time I had to hear it, I died a little bit inside...
Before you read on, just know that these are honest thoughts and some not so comfortable [women] details. But this is a real story, and one that I don't think should be sugar-coated. I woke up this morning with the heaviest heart remembering everything that happened, but I'm going to bed tonight reminded of the plan that's been made for me, and much lighter and brighter. Feel free to read on to hear my miscarriage story. 

I'll never forget this day, this weekend or the little baby that we lost. 
My husband was away on a business trip, and when I say away I don't mean out of the city or out of state. I mean, in another country on a very tiny remote island. I was at my in-laws house with my then 18m old little Jude. We were playing and laughing and I stepped away to use the bathroom when I noticed a very small amount of "spotting". I'll be honest, I immediately thought the worst. I was kind of frozen, but brought myself to go tell my mother-in-love what I had found. Of course in my head I know that spotting can be very normal in pregnancy, so I think we both tried hard to just believe that. They took Jude for the night, and I stayed in bed. 
I googled every possible thing I could and finally decided to just go to sleep. When I woke in the morning to use the bathroom there it was again..only a little more this time. I immediately called my mom and told her I needed to go to the ER. Something was not right and in my gut, I already knew.
In the ER, they obviously tested to make sure  I was in fact pregnant! "Yes you are pregnant!" (The first of many many times they would repeat this to me...)  They did multiple tests and asked a bunch of questions..."
How far along are you?"... I was just at 7 weeks. So when they told me that my HCG level was 135...the reality really started setting in...that's way way too low. I will never ever forget them telling me, "You're definitely pregnant, we just need to see what's going on!" 

 [ Let me sidebar for a minute, some things I suggest never saying to someone who's miscarried, "at least you weren't further along" "oh you were only 7 weeks?" "So glad it happened early" . As if the duration of my pregnancy should make my feelings void. So just some advice, think whatever you want, but keep those types of statements to yourself, they can really mess with a woman who is already hormonal and already feeling guilty of feeling loss over something she didn't get to know. ]

After waiting what seemed like forever for an ultrasound, we finally went in. I will never forget the amount of anxiety I felt laying on that bed, shivering with stress and emotion. From what I remember the tech was mostly silent, and of course, removed herself to get the doctor. We've all seen enough movies to know what comes next. The dreaded news came. There was nothing in my uterus. Nothing?!? What do you mean, nothing?? However,  there was something where it shouldn't be. They wheeled me back to my room and not long after the "not so well mannered" doctor came in and told me again, "You're pregnant!" But very abruptly and firmly said "but we think it's an ectopic pregnancy, and either way it will not be viable." I think I was just jello at that point. Telling me I'm pregnant and ripping it away in the same sentence. That feeling is something I can't begin to explain. 
Having never heard of an ectopic pregnancy before, I was not as aware of the threat as everyone else in the room was. However, I quickly learned that they are extremely dangerous, can cause your Fallopian tube to rupture and can even be fatal. 
So with that information I immediately tried to get a hold of my husband. After a lot of phone calls to multiple people and through a very static ridden conversation, I was able to tell him that we were losing our baby. [ Yes, even at only knowing of our pregnancy just a few short weeks, that's exactly how I felt and it's still how we feel to this day. We lost apart of us, that's doesn't go away.] At this particular time he was on a very tiny island with little to no service with clients and co-workers and thank God, his brothers. [God is seriously so good because his brothers accompanying him on the trip was a vey last minute decision, God knew.] 
But it wasn't until the next day that he would be able to start the multiple plane rides to come home. 

I was admitted to a room to be monitored closely and I remember vividly asking God point blank, "Why do trying situations always happen when Scott isn't here?!" 
Without skipping a beat, God responded. "So that you lean on me, instead of him." I have heard God very clearly twice in my life. That was one of them. It was so profound and every single day I'm comforted by those words. 

After more tests and ultra sounds, the doctors decided to just monitor me closely because different symptoms were not adding up, I had very minimal bleeding yet nothing in my uterus and that foreign object on my ovary which led them to strongly believe It was ectopic, yet medium cramping and not very much pain which pointed away from Ectopic because the pain they say is horrendous. 
After a lot of prayer and a lot of googling I somehow went to sleep that night. The next morning I started to have a little more bleeding and after the most uncomfortable ultra sound of my life, the doctor came in to tell me, "I don't think Ectopic anymore, you  are just miscarrying now." And then left the room....

Yes...it was that abrupt...for those that know me, ask my Mother, who almost ran after him to I assume "beat him". 

[For the local "Hoag mamas" reading this, Irvine Hoag hospital is not a women's hospital. And while they have THE BEST Emergency Room and Staff I have ever been to/visited...(we've frequented the ER many times) the hospital is not a women's hospital, meaning God forbid this ever happens to you or to me again, or if you ever have female problems that warrant a hospital visit, definitely make the drive to Newport!] 

Shortly after the doctor's quick departure, I began to start bleeding a lot! Sorry if this is TMI...but I couldn't find any information like this when researching, and I would have really liked to know what to expect. 
So expect the bleeding to last weeks. Miscarriage doesn't happen in a day, it's a process, and when your first cycle after the miscarriage comes, expect it to be the worst one of your life, (everything comes out) and then get ready for the next time which will be the 2nd worst one of your life. I don't think I got to a regular cycle for quite a few months. 

Once at home, I had terrible cramping and lots of bathroom trips. My mom cleaned my house and stayed with me until my husband came home from the marathon plane rides, that evening. 
He got home and we both just cried for a long time...We had been beyond excited to grow our family! Jude was a big surprise as I got pregnant on birth control with him, and this second little baby came with our first month of trying! We had felt beyond blessed to have had it happen so easily...never really thinking that this would be our reality. The next couple of days were pure torture. My emotions and hormones were all over the place and bathroom visits were frequent. I'm about to share something that I would have seriously loved some warning about...and it's definitely TMI...
Miscarriage involves a lot of blood and a lot of tissue and clotting. I had sever pain and cramping and something came out that (to me) resembled what could have been "it"...I was paralyzed. Literally held it in my hand and made my husband call my mom...(because you are never too old to call your Mother crying...) and I just sobbed...how do I flush this down the toilet I asked her?! What am I supposed to do!!?? While I'll never know exactly what it was, to me, it was the first hurdle to jump and my first "giant" to face. 

The days started to go on, I had a very active adorable little boy to take care of and a life to continue living. Everyone else was going on with their lives...so I'm supposed to also, right? If you're currently going through this, it's weird. I don't know how to describe it, but the overwhelmingly sense of loss that you feel...no one else will feel it like you do. When someone you love passes away, everyone that knew them will to some extent feel that loss or grief. But no one else knew this little being growing inside you...it makes sense...but for me, the loss was eerily similar to that of losing someone I had known for years! So How? How do move on when my heart is completely broken, and it seems like no one else's is... How do I feel such a sense of loss for something that I didn't get to know?!? The only thing I can think of, it because it's part of you! It's a piece of me, that forever is not there any longer. That feeling and that emotion is so real and extremely hard to overcome. There were multiple days maybe even weeks where I would cry multiple times a day and then once every day. There were also days where I was feeling great!! The highs are high and the lows are unbearable. 

Fast forward to when we were given the green light to start "trying" again! I was ready! Or so I thought... I had been told by so many people and read so many stories about women who miscarried and then got pregnant just a couple months later. Our "couple months later" happened to be the original date that we were going to start trying before I suggested to my husband one night that we just "start trying a few months early!" So I thought surely God was just letting us know that we had jumped the gun. Wrong, I was so wrong...month after month after month after month. Lots of ovulation tests, lots of ridiculous "get pregnant tricks" and lots of negative pregnancy tests later...I was what I can only describe as in an extreme state of depression. I never imagined that it would be a challenge. Every month I thought was "the month" and every month I was disappointed and emotionally drained...perhaps I wasn't as "ready" as I thought. 

9 months...9 months after we learned we were pregnant, on that little angel babes due date February 21st, is when I finally felt like I could breathe again. This isn't everyone's story...but it's mine. And for me it took 9 months to not feel that heavy emotion, to not think about what could have been and to not obsess over wanting to be pregnant again. I prayed so hard for God to just take my pain and take my anxiety, and although I had been praying that for months, this time I really meant it.  At that moment we decided to take a break from trying altogether! And it was the most freeing thing I could have done for myself. We thought for only a month but it ended up being 4 and Gods timing was all very perfect. The same weekend that I allowed myself to let go of that loss, was also the same weekend that my new little business started and really took off. Seeing God work and seeing His plan is so much better! 

We just recently started trying again and while I wish this ended with a pregnancy announcement, it does not. Contrary to what a lot of people's stories are on the Internet, not everyone gets pregnant after "taking a break". But it's okay. If there's anything I've learned over the past couple years it's that not everything ends the way that you pray or hope for. This past weekend in church they talked about facing your giants. 
"We talk so much about our fears or our "Giants" and sometimes we leave out God." 
He asked the question, "What rises in a fight? What comes out of you? Is it God?" 
"What's bigger to you?  Your fear or your God, Your Giant or your God, Your enemy or your God?!" 
In the moment it's so hard to make our minds go there!! But that fear, that anxiety, that "Giant" can be so all-consuming. And I want for my next one to be a little less daunting. My favorite part of the sermon on Sunday was when he said that "'Giants' are a moment of discovery." 

Ahhh!! What a way to look at them right?! 
My thoughts: Am I gonna face it head on?! Am I going to think about every little detail that could go wrong that might not work out? Or am I going to live my life and allow God to be in control? 

He went on to say, "Your giant is getting your ready for your reveal. Getting you ready for what Gods prepared. 
If you don't use it for the glory of God the devil will use it instead!" 

Again... SO GOOD!! 

It's been in me to want to share this story for months and I hesitated... So this is me...using my fear, my anxiety "My Giant" for his glory! To share that miscarriage is devastating but even when there's not an immediate positive outcome around the corner, life goes on, God's purpose for you goes on, it actually never changed. So while it took me a long road to get to this place and yes,  I woke up this morning with a heavy-hearted, and yes I did cry a few times today in remembering the events that took place a year ago, but tonight...Tonight, I'm going to bed ready and waiting for my reveal! Maybe reading this won't make it as long for you, or maybe it will but you won't feel alone and you can hold on to the fact that you don't have to have the outcome your hoping or praying for to feel whole again. You just need a lot of support, and for me, a lot of Jesus. 



I don't know about you, but I'm one of those Mamas who seems to try every single product and brand under the sun before finding "the one". I can tell you with confidence and experience that Kirkland brand diapers and wipes are the absolute best and that a frozen waffle works wonders for teething tots. I'm no expert or anything just some things I've learned from a lot of trial and error...did I mention error? #momlife
Diaper bags were no exception on my failed hunt to find the perfect products! I tried so many different styles and brands and even opted for a while to just use an actual backpack. Yet non of them were actually ever Right. Either not functional enough, too big or not big enough or lets be honest, not chic enough!

It wasn't until I came across Fawn Design that it seemed that quite possibly someone had gotten it Right! This awesome small business was started in a one bedroom apartment by a husband and wife team and you can read all about their amazing story here! According to their site, "Fawn Design’s mission is to provide a high quality diaper bag with a simple sophisticated look and design." Well, I'm happy to report that they nailed it and in finding Fawn Design bags, the hunt for the perfect diaper/baby/toddler/mommy/purse bag has ended...indefinitely!! I label it with all those titles because I don't feel like it's just a diaper bag. 2.5 years into Mommyhood and I'm so glad that I've found this sweet thing! It's functional, multi-wearable, the perfect size and incredibly gorgeous! Let me break it down a little bit more for ya... and be sure to read til' the end for a really exciting announcement... ;)

Functionality: How many of your diaper bags are hard to get into?! They don't open wide enough or they don't close well enough?! Not a problem here...the zipper top opens so wide and closes seamlessly. The inside is lined with multiple large pockets all the way around, making it easy to store many different items in their own space. Two outside pockets on either side can easily store bottles or in our case now, water bottles and toddler cups! I love that there is a zipper pocket on the outside of the bag, I keep my cell phone there for easy access! And... its a major plus that our Anything Pouches fit perfectly inside to help keep the smaller loose items organized. ;)

Multi-Wear: One of my favorite aspects about the Fawn Design bag is that it can be worn different ways. And all of those ways are comfortable! It's a backpack, which is a necessity for me since my little one is always running somewhere or wants me to hold him. (For some reason it's never an option to just be still and walk next to me...wishful thinking right?!)  It also comes with a carrying strap that can be attached or unattached. I like to leave it attached so I can easily switch to cross body or over the shoulder carrying. 

Style: Thats right...I'll be honest, what originally drew me to this bag was it's beauty! I mean it's stunning and goes with everything!! I can wear this daily but I also wouldn't hesitate to bring it along to a wedding. It dresses up and down which is something I didn't even realize was necessary with a baby bag -Major bonus! It's Faux leather, so soft and completely wipeable. The inside even pulls out for easy cleaning.

Did I convince you yet?! Haha! It may seem over the top but I'm just so excited to have finally found the perfect staple for Mama's and my forever baby bag for years to come! Check them out, you won't be disappointed! And..... be sure to keep your eyes on our Instagram feeds this Sunday 5/15 because we'll be collaborating to bring you one   - A M A Z I N G - GIVEAWAY!!!

Website: fawndesign.com
Instagram: @fawndesign

My Outfit Details:
Tee & Shorts: Forever 21
Hat: Forever 21
Shoes: Target
Pouches: Live Styled
Muslin Blanket: Little Unicorn

Jude's Outfit Details
Tee: Coming soon to www.livestyledshop.com
Shorts and Shoes: Target


Deck the Halls

December is upon us and that means Red Cups are plentiful, Trees are being trimmed, Halls are being decked and Jesus is being celebrated. Sorry for sounding a bit cheesy, but it really is the most magical part of the year.

I don't know about you, but I love absolutely any reason to style, re-design, or decorate! I love it all and my favorite part is always in the details. But my gosh, my mind starts reeling and suddenly everything starts adding up. DIY is usually always my go-to. Because its always affordable and I'm one of those weirdos who actually really enjoys every part of it. This year I've really been loving the Scandinavian/Nordic Christmas decor. (thank you Pinterest) Simple and neutral, yet still festive and fun! We really did not have room in our budget to do much extra decor shopping so I came up with some really affordable DIY decor items as well as some inexpensive items I purchased and incorporated. I thought I'd share, in case anyone else wants to save a little money. To all you non-crafters, don't stop reading, these ideas are simple and totally doable for any level crafter, non-crafters included.  Hope you all have a very Merry Christmas and Enjoy!

Disclaimer: there is a lot of black and white in my decor this year, hence my love of the Scandinavian look, but the great thing about DIY is that colors are easy to swap in and out, so get creative and add in your favorite colors if you're bored with my neutrals! ;)

First up, those adorable bells! I purchased a pack of two bells from Joanne's for $1.00 and tied some twine through them! Easy Peazy! And they are a cute little addition to any part of the house, ours are on our front door! 
Notice those white ornaments above? Those used to be a very chipped shiny red that wasn't so pretty anymore, but a $3.00 bottle of flat white spray paint took them from cheap to chic' real quick! 

Those cute little deer and doe? $3.45 at Target in the Kids Toy Section! I purchased 3 because they were buy 2 get 1 free and spray painted one white, with the same flat white paint I used on the ornaments. 

The Santa Banner was probably one of my favorites that I created, it was so easy and turned out exactly how I wanted and the best part is that it didn't cost me anything because I used what I had around the house: 
1. Left over muslin fabric (purchased at about $1.99 per yard) 
2. A wooden kitchen skewer...yes like the kind you use for fruit/meat kabobs
3. Marker or Letter Stickers
4. Bakers Twine, any color! (I always keep a spool of this around because its so universal)

Not into the modern calligraphy trend right now? No problem! Just grab a letter sticker that you like! Could even brighten it up with Gold, Silver or Red letters!

I'm a little obsessed with decorative throw pillows! Luckily, you don't have to break the bank because they happen to be very easy to make, even if you aren't a sewer or don't own a sewing machine. 

Each of these fabrics were purchased from Joanne Fabrics, and total cost me about $5.00, always make sure you check their app AND their website for coupons, they always have a bunch!
The black pillow with the tiny reindeer silhouettes and the white flannel, were both a simple sew around each side, then stuffed with the stuffing I had from a few old throw pillows that I no longer used. If you don't have a sewing machine, you could always buy iron-on hemming stitch, it works perfect. 
The black pillow was an idea that I had to compliment both fabrics and create a cohesive look. I found a deer head silhouette online, then printed and cut it out as a stencil. Next, I ironed-on the white flannel fabric to Wonder Under adhesive, It's just an iron-on adhesive that is about $2.99 per yard. 

This next project was inspired by all of those adorable pom pom garlands that are trendy right now. I've seen a bunch of different colors and kinds and instantly thought of cotton balls and bakers twine! Wouldn't you?! ;) 

The cotton balls were .89 cents for 100 and I already had the twine. Little tip: Tie the twine around a kitchen skewer and thread your cotton balls with it. So easy!! The fun thing about this is you can use any color twine or rope or thread, or other colored puff balls, (I use cotton balls to really keep the cost down, but pom pom balls would probably look better) and it can also be used for other holidays or for decor in a nursery. I'll be reusing this one for Jude's playroom! 

A great affordable way to decorate your space for any time of the year, is to use quotes or verses, hand-lettered or printed, framed or hung! Did you get all that?! lol! 

This one I hand-lettered and put into a frame from the Dollar Tree! But again, if you aren't a calligrapher yourself, you can always choose your favorite font and print our your words from your computer and frame them. Or, you could purchase hand-lettered art like the ones below from ETSY shops! The top one is from Aria Paperie, my sister-in-loves Calligraphy shop, that YOU MUST CHECK OUT!!  Little plug there, but its okay because its my blog and I'll plug all I want! ;) 


One of my favorite parts about the Christmas season is receiving Christmas Cards!! Seriously, I love getting them and I keep them displayed well past Christmas! So send them people!! Today we received our first one of the season from our sweet friends, The Kaysens. I usually just tape them to one of our walls, but decided to display them properly this year. I just used decorative push pins that I already had  (Target Does It Again) and again....bakers twine...The little red clothespins I had leftover from last year's wrapping paper theme, I purchased them from The Container Store, but you could probably pick them up at any craft store. 

Finally, my last little decor tip this Holiday season, involves all things wrapping! 
I absolutely LOVE to wrap gifts!! I've even thought about starting a Gift Wrapping service around the Holidays because I love it so much. There are a million directions you could go for gift wrap themes or ideas. This is another easy DIY if you want to keep it simple and affordable, but still keep a little charm. 

Grab a cute holiday stamp! I used a Pine Tree stamp. For this I used plain white paper, but my plan is to use kraft paper. I always think that the real beauty is in the details. So instead of using curling ribbon, grab a role of bakers twine or a fun colored yarn! Use a cool designed Washi tape instead of clear tape for the the parts that are really seen! 

and That's a Wrap people! See what did there?! Thanks for following along!
24 Days til' Christmas! Happy trimming, decorating and shopping Loves! XO 


You're Like Really Pretty.

You're Like, Really Pretty. 

[Hold Up...I promise this goes deeper than a movie quote ]

We've all quoted it a million times, right? That pivotal scene in that movie, Mean Girls. The one where Regina George, "the cool girl" invites Cady Heron, "the not so cool girl", to sit at their table. During a conversation Regina states, "But you're like really pretty." To which Cady replies, "Thank you!" And instead of saying "You're Welcome", Regina fires back with, "So you agree, you think you're really pretty?", in quite an accusatory way. And then we laugh. Because anyone who has ever been apart of the "girl world" gets the craziness of the conversation. But what if we really did agree when someone tells us that we're, "like, really pretty". What if we agreed, because we should. Because that is exactly how He sees us. 

This topic of 'truly believing that we're beautiful' has really been on my heart lately. I was recently asked the question, "Why do you think we as women struggle with confidence?" It was a harder question to answer than I thought. Because, logically, we shouldn't struggle with confidence. God made us in His image, and to put ourselves down would be an insult to his work. But emotionally I understand, and I as a woman, I relate. I'm constantly struggling with self-doubt, feelings of inferiority, thinking that I'm not "enough". In a world full of stereotypes about what pretty looks like, or what success means, or that you're worth is valued by how many likes or followers you have, of course its easy for our self confidence to dwindle. 

But in order to start boosting our confidence. We have to stop believing the lies. Stop believing what you think the mirror is saying, stop believing the negative thoughts in your head, and stop striving to be the perfectly polished Instagram feeds. They can all be overwhelmingly deceptive. I love myself the most, when I feel like I'm being 100% authentic. Maybe because I'm actually being what God created me to be. Being confident in your abilities, and being genuine in your beliefs. That's beautiful. That's, "like, really pretty!" 

One thing I know for sure, is that I am nothing without Jesus. He has this way of revealing Himself so clearly to me when I'm at my worst, and I'm so greatful for that. 
When I'm having days of doubt, the Bible is the best resource. 

Isaiah 46:4 says "I have made you. I will carry you; I will sustain and I will rescue you." 

How can we ever feel alone, or of no self worth with words like that?! 

Psalm 139:14  "I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; 
my soul knows it well." 

Repeat this! Write it a million times, put it on your bathroom mirror! What an extraordinary reminder of what our thoughts should be!

Self-confidence, no doubt, has to come from within. But we're not meant to go through this life alone. We could all use some encouraging and reminding once in a while, or daily! Remind your girlfriends of their strengths, celebrate their accomplishments. Help them get through their weaknesses. Lets build each other up, because we all know what its like to be torn down. 

and if you haven't been reminded today... this is Me, telling You, that You're like, REALLY pretty. So believe it, because its true, and quite possibly...everyone sees it but you. 


I'm Done Sticking to Plans!

Today I had every intention of finishing the rest of my Christmas shopping with my little 13 month old in tow. I made a list, checked it twice and of course posted the "in the car selfie" to fill the rest of the world in on what we were doing, because they care... 

Our shopping trip started out great, until we got to the actual shopping part... Store #1 and the whining had already started, and the Cheerios were being thrown from the stroller. The woman ringing me up at Anthropology clearly did not have children, her look of disgust and impatience told me this. I thought I had done a good job of cleaning up the Cheerios and Animal Crackers off their floor, so I'm not sure why she was so upset...and, I mean, their floors are wood anyway, it's not like we damaged them. 

Store #2 prompted louder whining, which eventually led to a major fit being thrown while we were in line to check out. Surprisingly, I was laughing as he was screaming, while also telling him that Santa wasn't gonna bring him toys, because Santa doesn't like kids that cry. While I may have stretched that truth a little...it's okay, because Jude didn't understand me anyway, and  I made myself laugh! 

After the meltdown in store #2,  I decided I would try to bribe my 1 year old, so that I could get my list done. So I paid the $3 for the carousel and around we went! He loved it! He was laughing and smiling and all was well again! 

Or so I thought... Attempting to put him back in the stroller once again made me the worst Mommy in the world...there were tears and screams, the whole she-bang. So instead of melting-down with him, which I have indeed done in the past, I decided a lunch date with my little boy is exactly what we both needed! 
So there we sat at Red Robin, outside on the patio, for over an hour, coloring, eating chicken strips and French fries, feeding the birds and laughing a lot! It wasn't some big event or party or holiday, It was just an afternoon, on a Monday. And it was perfect. 




With both of our bellies full I was able to get diapers from Target before he was again telling me how "over this" he was. On the way home I thought about how the day went. I only got a couple things on the long list, but I spent an afternoon with Jude that I don't think I'll ever forget. It got me thinking that slow and un-planned is REALLY REALLY good! I don't want to ever miss Jude laughing at the birds, or discovering how to old his "big kids" cup at a restaurant! From now on, I'm not sticking to plans, because my plans don't matter anyway. I think I could hear God laughing when I said that! He's probably like, "Well, duh!!!!" I'm so grateful to be a mom, and for this life. Today was a reminder to stop putting so much focus on planning the Big things, and to just live in the crazy moments and remember the every-day things!

P.S. Don't think that I've totally embraced the whole whining, loud child thing. I'm currently writing this as I sit in my car, because Jude is napping in the back, and the silence is Bliss! xoxo 


Citrus Quinoa Chicken Avocado Bowl 

"Healthy Eating?! No thank you....pass the chicken fingers and fries please!”

Up until just a couple of months ago, those are words that quite literally came out of my mouth on the regular... embarrassing I know! But I just wanted to eat Taco Bell and In N Out #1's and never gain any weight!!! Is that too much to ask?! Unfortunately, the answer was yes. And despite the battle of whit that Mary Kate and Ashley had in Holiday in the Sun, you CANNOT have your cake and eat it too!!! (True Olsen fans will know what I'm referring to, and if you haven't seen the greatness that is Holiday in the Sun, GO! Right now, and watch!)
Anyways, something finally registered in my brain that I needed to start taking better care of myself! I made a conscious decision to start eating healthier, and by the Grace of God this idea has finally stuck! But the problem in the beginning of my new found healthiness was, "Ughhh, what the heck am I going to eat?!!” I actually love salad so that was an obvious first choice, but one can only eat rabbit food for so long. So I became determined to find healthy recipes that not only satisfied my flavor loving palette, but my husbands picky one as well.

Thankfully, for every person on the planet, Pinterest was created! I cannot remember life without Pinterest, nor do I want to. I've found countless amazing, healthy, flavorful meals through this incredible social site and I'm excited to share this one with you!! Let me also add that all of the recipes I've found are extremely easy to make, and this one is no exception!
Which leads me to the other great thing that came out of my healthier eating habits. Other than, you know, that's it's creating a better quality of life for mysel, eating healthy has also forced me to actually start cooking! The extent of my cooking skills has always been opening the freezer and putting buffalo chicken strips in the oven. Which is quite sinful because my mother is an absolute amazing cook! In all fairness, she tried countless times to teach me, I just never "got it”. 
Luckily this new change encouraged me to start combining spices and flavors, to get creative and start styling those ingredients! I'll tell you, I couldn't be happier in the kitchen these days! 
With all that said, if I can make food that tastes good, so can you! Ok, ok, Ashley, enough with the chatter already! 

I found this recipe via Pinterest, which led me to SallysBakingAddiction.com. Her recipe is great! However, I found myself tweaking multiple different things and I also paired it with my homemade Avocado Jalapeño sauce! So I’ve re-vamped the original recipe and also added the Avocado Jalapeño sauce recipe here as well! This recipe calls for Quinoa, which is so incredibly good for you!! And it's awesome because it's a grain with basically no flavor so you can add it to just about anything! 

I'll admit I was a little leery of mixing all of these different flavors and consistencies together but OH MY GOSH am I glad I did!! I've eaten this meal 3 times this week, and also came up with another adaptation to mix it up. I’ll share that recipe with you on a later date! I promise you will not be disappointed with this Citrus Quinoa Chicken Avocado Bowl, mixed with a Cilantro, lime dressing and a Jalapeño Avocado Sauce! I know it sounds like a lot, but I insist, it is not! Happy Creating! XOXO




Hey there!!! Welcome!!! I'm so excited that you're reading this!!! No seriously, if you couldn't tell from the obnoxious amount of exclamation points, I mean, like, REALLY excited! 

I've had plans to start a blog for about a couple years now. In the beginning it was going to be an addition to my newly launched ETSY site, complete with Sewing and Crafting DIY's. Then a year later, with still no blog in place, I had decided I wanted to do more of a Lifestyle Blog. It of course would still feature DIY's and Crafts because, well, my life would be nothing without them! However, I also wanted to include my thoughts and opinions on what's going on in the world, on mommy-hood, my new found interest of healthy recipes and important things, like, where to find great nail polish colors that don't cost $9.00 a bottle. 

So I had finally put together a rough outline of what I wanted my blog to look like. I mean, as outlined as I could get in the notes section of my iPhone... detailed outlines and logistics are not my forte... Then the unthinkable happened. My sister-in-love was put in the CICU at Cedars Sinai in Los Angeles after fighting a lung disease for about a year. All of our lives were immediately placed on hold. After a few months of being in the hospital and undergoing multiple surgeries and a transplant, she went to be with The Lord. Death changes you. It changed my family. It changed our friends, even changed complete strangers. It most definitely changed me. I think differently, I love differently, and I actively seek out ways that I am supposed to be living now. 

A couple months after Laura passed I had been thinking about the blog again. I had mentioned it to Laura the year prior and we had even talked about doing it together. I had a new found interest in wanting to get my thoughts organized and "out". It wasn't until another Sister-in-Love of my mine texted me one day pushing me to "Start a Blog!" Because if I did, she would “Totally follow it!" Angelique has a way of sending me the most perfect words that I need to hear at the most perfect moments! She inspires me so much! And I'm starting to believe that God uses her to speak to me sometimes. 

So here it is!!! Finally! My very own blog!! One of the things that had been keeping me from starting this, was the loud voice in my head saying, "Ashley, why do you think people want to hear your thoughts? Or care what kind of dry shampoo you use? You are no celebrity or expert!" That last part couldn't be truer!!! I'm no expert, but I'll be honest, this blog is probably way more for me than it is for anyone else. I have a lot of things piling up in this blonde head of mine, and I would love to get them out! Also, I'm pretty sure my husband would love for me to give his brain a rest from all of my opinions and incessant chatter! 

This blog is ME! I love Jesus, I love my family, I'm obsessed with my baby boy Jude and our little dog Bentley, I adore my friends, I'm a DIY'er to the core! Styling, fashion and party planning are my passions and I never met a Glitter that I didn't like, its safe to say that Sparkle is my favorite color! I'm an open book when it comes to my life, and my blog will be no different! 

So, if you're looking for pinterest-esq DIYs, healthy recipes, baby and mama advice, some affordable beauty tips with some banter and sarcasm thrown in the mix, then stay tuned!! If you're not, then go away! No one likes a Debbie Downer! ;)