Citrus Quinoa Chicken Avocado Bowl
"Healthy Eating?! No thank you....pass the chicken fingers and fries please!”
Anyways, something finally registered in my brain that I needed to start taking better care of myself! I made a conscious decision to start eating healthier, and by the Grace of God this idea has finally stuck! But the problem in the beginning of my new found healthiness was, "Ughhh, what the heck am I going to eat?!!” I actually love salad so that was an obvious first choice, but one can only eat rabbit food for so long. So I became determined to find healthy recipes that not only satisfied my flavor loving palette, but my husbands picky one as well.
Thankfully, for every person on the planet, Pinterest was created! I cannot remember life without Pinterest, nor do I want to. I've found countless amazing, healthy, flavorful meals through this incredible social site and I'm excited to share this one with you!! Let me also add that all of the recipes I've found are extremely easy to make, and this one is no exception!
Which leads me to the other great thing that came out of my healthier eating habits. Other than, you know, that's it's creating a better quality of life for mysel, eating healthy has also forced me to actually start cooking! The extent of my cooking skills has always been opening the freezer and putting buffalo chicken strips in the oven. Which is quite sinful because my mother is an absolute amazing cook! In all fairness, she tried countless times to teach me, I just never "got it”.
Luckily this new change encouraged me to start combining spices and flavors, to get creative and start styling those ingredients! I'll tell you, I couldn't be happier in the kitchen these days!
With all that said, if I can make food that tastes good, so can you! Ok, ok, Ashley, enough with the chatter already!
I found this recipe via Pinterest, which led me to Her recipe is great! However, I found myself tweaking multiple different things and I also paired it with my homemade Avocado Jalapeño sauce! So I’ve re-vamped the original recipe and also added the Avocado Jalapeño sauce recipe here as well! This recipe calls for Quinoa, which is so incredibly good for you!! And it's awesome because it's a grain with basically no flavor so you can add it to just about anything!
I'll admit I was a little leery of mixing all of these different flavors and consistencies together but OH MY GOSH am I glad I did!! I've eaten this meal 3 times this week, and also came up with another adaptation to mix it up. I’ll share that recipe with you on a later date! I promise you will not be disappointed with this Citrus Quinoa Chicken Avocado Bowl, mixed with a Cilantro, lime dressing and a Jalapeño Avocado Sauce! I know it sounds like a lot, but I insist, it is not! Happy Creating! XOXO